The team was made up of Anisha Newman (staff), David Kelly (staff), Jordan Green (resident) and Kaela Moko (resident)
The team was made up of Anisha Newman (staff), David Kelly (staff), Jordan Green (resident) and Kaela Moko (resident)
Wellington Aboriginal Health Service SEWB Team Drug and Alcohol Worker Ursula and Sewb Counsellor Leteisha Peckham in partnership with Gail Snelgar from Dubbo Community Health Service Liver Clinic provided a barbeque breakfast and handing out of information packs for those patients who attend the Wellington Banksia Clinic, this event was to promote awareness for Hepatitis C Day.
How long have you been working at WACHS?
Almost 3 years
What is your current role at WACHS?
Aboriginal Health Worker - Counsellor
What made you decide to join our team?
I have always wanted to work in a role where I was able to support people. After studying Community Services at TAFE for 2 years I saw a position advertised in the WACHS SEWB team and immediately applied.
What do you do in your role?
I offer emotional support to clients 15 years and older through yarning in either a one on one or a group setting. From there I work out the best way to support the client by implementing a case plan and/or referring them to the most suitable service/s. I deliver a program called the Yinaar Healing Circle which is a group counselling session which runs fortnightly for women. I also do event planning for events such as Seniors Week, Sorry Day, Mental Health Week etc.
What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is working within the Aboriginal Community in my home town, I love being in a role where I am able to support my people, and working within an Aboriginal organisation means I am able to offer the most culturally appropriate service.
Australian Super Featherweight Champion boxer, Moree local TC Priestley, has commenced supporting the residents of the Moree Aboriginal Residential Rehabilitation Centre- Maayu Mali.
TC attends the site once per week and runs a group with the residents (and a few brave staff) combining exercise and fitness with self-esteem, pride and connection to culture.
Aidan Ryan and 7 other community members from the Wellington men’s group drove to Molong to visit the historic grave site of Yuranigh.
Michael Nolan from the Lands Council organised the trip and talked about the importance of Yuranigh and what he did in his day to day work. He talked about the significant placement of this grave and how the trees all had markings carved in them and all facing towards the grave.
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